About Us

Made of a dedicated group of passionate innovators specialized in engineering, Touché solutions, a solution provider for optimal human-robot collaboration focused on: Touch.

In today’s challenging market, we know the future of manufacturing and production requires speed and flexibility. Companies do not have time to spend months planning floor space and retooling.


At Touché Solutions, we seek to make production more safe and efficient. We evolve like our customers and embrace market changes.


Partner with us and we’ll change the world together with you.


Mechavision rebranded as Touché Solutions


Qisda and ABB announces Taiwan’s first Human-Robot Collaboration production line powered by Mechavision


M-Teach Positioning Module released at the Taipei International Industrial Automation Exhibition with ABB, Epson, Mitsubishi, and Fanuc


Mechavision Inc. established in Taipei


Dr. Camus Su unveils T-Skin for industrial robot safety applications

Our Philosophy

Speed and flexibility is the only way to succeed in today’s market

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are engineers and scientists. The global pandemic and climate change are real. Our current initiatives are focused on addressing communities in need

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